Title, Somethang Our's

Making our own delsions.
That've come to no conclusions.
At first, we invite them,
Or maybe insight them,
If that doesn't work,
We think we must fight them.
This is one reason that we are not trusted.
Broken and crusted or totally rusted.
These are our fire's to be put out by pale.
Staying clear of some pepole,
Keeps us out of most jail.

Sundryed weed

420's such a sweet little pearl,
It helps us out when we're lost in the world,
Incase we're down and don't feel like we can.
420 can help us if we can't quite stsnd.
If 420 was a female,
She might hold our hand!
For all i know,
420's a man.
I hope our green goddess is doing best she can?
To thrive on this earth,
And be in demand.


Music moves inside my mind,
To live a while when I can not cry.
Slipped my grip while sat with it.
Then pondered thoughs that fueled my fit.
Tantrum builds right past my nose into my brain that hurts a gane from all the noise that's been created.
Lack of control should be anticipated.
All my life i'v struggled and waited,
for all of doubt to be eliminated.
To live a life not stirred not shaken.
And earn what's mine not what's taken.
The daze of my life asleep & awaken.

Non progressive

Two sides two every story.
And where is god with our morning glory?
Could god be in Gaza amongst the dead?
Or standing in church over broken bread.
Not born this stupid.
Surely we we're led.
From the comfort of our confines,
To the edge of their dread.
When given a book to sway our head.
With plausible denial on every word said.
Arguments that wait for us to grow up.
Is what plays with us when lifes not enough.

Sea worthy

Next- to feet.
Down by ankle,
It's some seaweed tried to tangle.
Within squared circles shaped triangle.
Takes me away to swim at an angle.
Shapless fear leaks like pee.
To warm up death who comes for me?
Boats are just to far to see.
And brunts my breath uncomfortably.
Situations realizations.
Should water based graves be for vacations?

Are we there yet, We got to pee

Another criminal term is asked,
For really dumb views that most have past.
Doom is what has now been tasked.
By those who can not be unmasked.
Since this world is being so blunt.
Allow my say to sit up front.
cracker commitments are mostly to blame.
Invented by pepole who take when they came.
When nothing is certain buy promises be made.
Don't think of life as our's to parade.
Unless you've got money and life that you've saved.

Working in space

Star dusting sweeps sky's full of debri,
That fall down too earth to rest easily.
Mined out by worms & quadrillions of bugs,
That dig dirt for us_ we sweep under the rugs.
With this dirt with us.
The impossible's done,
It's wheeled out to NASA and lunched to the Sun.
We in the water take notice of flight,
When the urge to just drown.
Looms into the night.                      

Of course we're dead

Our issues are clouded because they are govern,
By parties of pepole acting too southern.
Of course it's aloud if your with this crowd,
Judged by our color to be told how.
So walk on your own & not with a bow.
Form your own nation & do it right now.
Steping off ladders>
Sturdy is our stare.
Living that one lifetime made us too beware.

Killing fields

Killing off the living,
For something that is dead.
That is what has happened to us.
With religion in our head.
You know you have some loved ones.
Someone to keep alive the need to plead with goverment
Before their off to die. 


Through documentaries i'v come to find.
Pandemic killed what seems to be,The best of mankind.
There are some straggleers that try real hard,
When searching through my view,
Too few too far.
I could be to scrawny and live to damn small.
But where can i walk?
When steps leanto fall.

The dragon theory

What if our cars?
Turned into dragon forcing our journey
In-side covered wagon.
With all of the gas
And all of the oil
Left to the dragons
Too barter and boil
Then did the buses ?
Along with our trains
Vanish to mountains
Beyond them the planes
In-side this fury of tattering wing
Forges the fire that new days may bring.


A beautiful painting someone brushed off,
Is harened by canvas it's oils made soft.
Sratching and scraping to bring forth it's brass.
Abmired by eyes with no need to ask.
Who is the painter?
And why did they stop?
Did they start from the bottom and reach for the top?
Was it truly a paintbrush with crazy doll eyes?
Or some kind of Marvel that fell from the sky's?
Whatever the story that makes paint wise.
Despite it's fans.
Paint withers and dies.

Holiday depression

Elastic basket stretching over my head.
Eating all oxygen,
Before I am dead I cuff in sleeve the ace of spade.
folding back basket with choices I made.
To breath through baskets woven weave.
All the oxygen my lungs may need.
To play the game that only one will win.
Taking life for another spin. 


Knowing the price of everything,
But the value of nothing,
Could belittle the rich?
And to the poor.
That's something.
A contour car,
and 3 story house.
with two time dates,
Turned full- time spouse.
A world sees wonder through it's window pane.
Until it has to leave,
To go back insane.


The travesty of Kin bewilders our name,
Only after knowing that the trees,
They feel the same,
Pale dove quiet owl!
Making it back to us somehow.
Resituating mountains with rails we forge.
That's hope dancing us to close to it's gorge.
Us cutting down trees only slams doors down to the ground then rarely estores.
Ripping up paper never seemed right.
Written by poets one day to end night.


First time I saw her.
My wishful thinking.
Cradled my thoughts as my heart was sinking.
Since her perfume had filtered the room.
Only reminding me that pretty soon.
I'll have to leave with the smell of her hair.
Exit the room and pretend not to care.
Walk down the street with what is despair?
The memory of her with no one I share.


End the bleak sea.
With Captain Cement.
All off shore orders,
We're made & meant.
This wavy potato carved to a ship,
Floats on the water,
Like chips in the dip.
Are we the sails the wind came to clip.
Where thirsty old oceans have teeth with no lip?
Sirens come dancing .
Men fall to their slip back to the ocean.
Wear we lose our grip.


When baby crawls the household floor.
Discovering pee seaman blood and much more.
We-Ajax the kichen where burners turn red.
And lots of heavy objecks that can fall on their head.
Having a family's like scratching the wall.
Whatever came loose then-don't matter at all.
40 some years later,
I still feel the same .
It's a lonly old life since the room lost my name

Formality ride

Ascend to scholarship.
Wiseass in a suit.
Lopsided smiles salute in these actions electricity brews.
First prise to money while pepole lose.
Stuffing our gut some how makes the news.
Or waking in vomit.
Drunk off bad booze.

loose landlords

What kind of person is employed to scold?
The sick?
The crippled?
The young?
And the old?
Don't they have their own to squeeze at home?
To doll up and hold?
To mother and mold?
To wrinkle and fold?
Discover- What's- Told.
It may not be true,
If someone comes along to brand it on you


Words that rule us or chase us away,
Have positively punked our society astray.
It's okay to be scared.
But not of our self.
We can't affect minds that don't reflect help.
If we have to change?
To never come back.
No one should care as a matter of fact.
But some pepole are stupid and full of abuse.
Grown ups kill children.
And want the excuse.
When most presidents police girlfriends to a wife.
Fuel each other with incredible spite.
To make their living.
By taking away life.

Earth scientist

Bottles and flask.
Made us potions befor we'd ask.
Two parts dirt .
With five parts fire.
Need to be mixed befor they expire.
For parts water.
Three parts tree.
Grounded to topple,
Soil buy seed.
Sun light serches for sea breeze sight.
Where wind that whirls can fly a kite.
(No part human.)
(All parts weed.)
Worlds of wood come naturally.

We're next

Thank you tree.
For helping me.
Through futures past,
And late-a-ly.
government church landlords cahoot.
Feed us lies.
And date to shoot.
1 bad boy.
Can gobble up girl.
With pregnant piles that wreck our world.
Loosen tourniquet.
Bleed out wild.
Holds us dead to a Gazan child.

All together.

Buried eye's,
No longer see light.
Doesn't mean,
Death, ever got it right.
This mythical stranger that takes on night,
Extreme disease,
A parasite.
We don't break bread or open the wine.
For death that comes for body and mind.
We're fragile creatures that fan out wide.
It's porbably why we're deep inside.
A lonely together together we've tethered.
Just like death for ever and ever.

Made of meat

Our brain drains come clogged,
When our feces can't flush.
Bellowing bellowers tougue.
That will not be hush.
These are the moments that make up our face.
Indeed, Undone,
If it doesn't replace.
Welcome to Xenomorph.
The creature that kills.
It seems very human!
For all blood it spills.
Long lived among us,
Appears in our clothes & makes us pay taxes,
For those that it chose.

The Stranger

Love biking with ya when you don't mind
But spines like mine arent good all the time.
Bent back forward spines my decline
who is biker x ?
So strong and so fine
To launch and land without a hand
Shows all humanity how womaen just can
Become an astronaut or simply bike
At least girls get out there and do what they like

Extra Extra read all about it

Woman rages on mountain wow
And seems to be where she is right now
Faster and cooler then ever befor
The art of sking that some so adore
Warm comfy clothes can not be ignored
Where all summer long her skies where stored
After a shower with warm cotton towel
She sips from the soup bowl
A new snow meow

Times like these

Guns- The image of how little we've grown.
Leaves in a blink dead school mates I think.
We had barely known.
It's time to kick our guns off the planet.
Before we take our lives more for granted.
There is no excuse!
For all this abuse.
Control this train.
(Make US Caboose

Release Me

I hated my parents & wanted to die.
For all of those years that they made me cry.
No one would know the lonely inside.
A child for a while.
Who cuts out to hide.
The care to dads nails that he keeps pristine.
To smack up my face & gently make bleed.
With mom subservient she's way over weight.
And must have children no mater their fate.
But I'm grown up now.
My Piano!  My Poem!
If they we're alive ?
O-Boy would I show em.

Cats eye

When Kinder Kitty,
Walks the hall.
She is very careful to keep her paw.
No where near,
The side of the road,
Where horns beep loud from what pepole drove.
Crazy in cars,
Go's way too fast.
To be flagged in first .
Instead of flagged last.
Human truck treads grind to bits hard rock.
To tower up buildings shaped like their cock.
Nowhere to nearest.
Has that cat ever seen.
Nature meddied into a metal machine.


Are we wastied time with our own kind?
Posting poems,
To remind our mind.
Would it be better if we we're gone?
To hear no scream of .
(Get of my lawn)
Will we build pressure inside our head?
That makes friends part from what we said.
Another script or book that's read.
We like stories before our bed.